Thomas McCain and Alex Golden are proud to announce the opening of their new venture together, Round Table Financial. Both veterans of the financial world, McCain and Golden plan to utilize their unique experiences and skill sets to promote a company dedicated to premium individualized service in the investment advisory industry. Round Table Financial is a state registered investment advisor and licensed insurance company (currently only offering property and casualty insurance, but hoping to expand in the near future into other areas) hoping to bring a new perspective to the central Arkansas area.
Financial Advisor
Thomas McCain
Thomas has over 30 years’ experience in the financial field as a securities principal, securities trader and investment advisor. In between, he was a managing partner of a manufacturing and food services enterprise for 8 years before returning as an Investment Advisor Representative in 2007 where he has been employed by larger firms until recently deciding to become a principal in Round Table Financial. Thomas has a BS in Geology from the University of Arkansas.

Financial Advisor
Alex Golden
Alex has spent the previous 30 years in commercial banking and other various entrepreneurial enterprises. He is now interested in taking his career in a new and different direction within the financial services industry. His experience extends in many directions; real estate development/construction/rental; accounting; business development; restaurant; mortgage; title; and insurance. He has an undergraduate degree from Georgetown University with a major in Finance and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Arkansas.
Financial Advisor
Robert M. Randolph, Jr. (Bob)
Bob has 40+ years of experience in the investment industry in numerous capacities including but not limited to registered representative, registered principal, registered options principal, registered financial and operations principal and an investment advisor representative. His positions and duties have encompassed a wide array of interests and skills in retail sales, trading (many different financial markets), compliance and operations. From Little Rock and a lifelong Arkansan, he graduated from Hendrix College in 1979. He has obtained ten individual and specific securities licenses over the course of his career. His vast experience and expertise in the financial industry is a huge asset to Round Table Financial.

Four Pillars of
Premium Service
Round Table Financial is a company devoted to assisting companies, people and families with their financial well-being. We will utilize a premise of technology and communication to provide solutions in a way that is useful, efficient and simple, so that our customers will 1) protect themselves, 2) achieve their goals, and 3) fully realize their potential for themselves and their family.

1. Empathy
A good understanding not only of what we do and what is available, but also what the customer needs. This will be accomplished by KNOWING our customer. Technology will play an important role in this endeavor, but basic human contact and interaction can make the use of technology even more efficient. Understanding this will prove to be one of our greatest strengths.
2. Knowledge
We all want to be smart, make good choices, and provide for our families. However, to be smart and intuitive we must start by learning the facts surrounding any decisions we make so that we may understand that decision’s possible consequences, both intended and unintended. RTF personnel will be well trained, experienced and knowledgeable of these facts so that they make decisions appropriately and effectively.
3. Diligence
To grasp concepts, events, and information to best match customer needs with applicable solutions…. and then be organized and structured to appropriately provide services in an acceptable manner. This can only be done through “boots on the ground” hard work. “Footsteps are the best fertilizer”, so to speak. We will work diligently to know our customer and fill their needs
4. Integrity
This must be the enduring backbone of any organization. Our motivation will be true/premium service. We want to make a profit, but not at any cost. Honesty, integrity and honor will be the concept(s) woven throughout all decisions made at Round Table Financial.
Let us start working for you!
You’re just a click away from an equal seat at our table.
Round Table Financial
116 Ottenheimer Plaza, Suite 1
Little Rock, AR 72201